Below is the DAILY recipe for a therapeutic home-cooked diet for Olivia Benson Swift:

INGREDIENT (Exact cooking methods and cuts of meat/types of ingredients will be required. Substitutions are not possible.)




Specific protein source

xxx grams, cooked amount

Specific carbohydrate source

xxx grams, raw/dry amount

Specific fat source 1

xxx grams (xxx teaspoons)

Specific fat source 2

xxx grams (xxx teaspoons)


Supplements: (One option with ~1-8 products. Exact brands/varieties must be used when specified.)


Supplement product 1

xxx teaspoon

Supplement product 2

xxx tablets


Supplement product 3




xxx capsule



Nutrient Composition (on ME basis):

xx% Protein, xx% Fat, xx% Carbohydrate. Total energy: xxx kcal per day.

This section will include concentrations of selected pertinent nutrients.

Metabolizable Energy (ME) vs. “As Is” or “As Fed”: The percentages shown on a metabolizable energy (ME) basis are different from the percentages shown on pet food labels (which are listed as “as is” or “as fed”). Comparing on a ME basis is a way for nutritionists to compare diets more accurately, especially when the diets differ in moisture, ash, fiber, or caloric density.

Cooking Instructions

This section will explain how to prepare your pet’s food, including specific cooking and feeding instructions. You’ll need a kitchen scale and measuring spoons to make sure everything is accurate. Since different foods have unique nutritional profiles, it's important to follow the recipe and cooking directions carefully.

Gradual Transition Instructions

This section will guide you on how to switch your pet from their old food to the new home-cooked diet.

Storage Instructions

This section will explain how to properly store the fat sources and prepared food to keep them fresh.


This section will give you information on where to buy and how to use the required supplements for your pet’s diet.

Treat Allowance

If it’s safe to add other foods to your pet’s diet, we can use part of your pet’s daily calories for treats or to give medications. This can also be used to help make their meals more exciting by adding different foods based on what’s available, in season, and what your pet likes. We will provide a list of foods that are appropriate for your pet.

Follow Up and Monitoring

This section will include recommendations for monitoring your pet’s response to their new home-cooked diet. Monitoring your pet’s body weight is especially important to make sure they are getting the right amount of food to meet their needs.

Please see our FAQ document for more information.